ln the end 林肯公园mp3_whereacutedyougo林肯公园mp3
1.林肯公园的Believe me是哪张专辑里的?
有三首都是林肯公园的 不知道哪个是 你自己听听
反正都挺好听 就当推荐给你的
一 part of me
part of mepart of me won't go away.
every day reminded how much i hated it.
weighted against the consequences,
can't live without it so it's senseless.
want to cut it out of my soul
and just live with a gaping hole.
take control of my life
and wash out all the burned tastes.
i made the problems in the first place.
hang my head low 'cause its part of me.
you'll hardly see right next to the heart of me.
heard of me?
the moons soon scar.
new cuts cover where the old ones are
and now i'm sick of this.
i can't stand the sandpaper thoughts that grate on my sanity.
i'd rather not even be
than the man that's staring in the mirror through me.(pre-chorus)
cut myself free
willingly stop just what's killing me.(chorus)
i feel it everyday.
i feel i'm in my way.
i feel it swell up inside,
swell up inside.
swallowing me!(freedom can be frightening if you've never felt it)
once it's been dealt,
when you feel like you've been touched by something angelic
and then melted down into a pool of peace.
cease to be,
the animal you used to be.
removed the broken parts you know were wrong,
and feel the calm when the problems all gone,
and then you start to see
a little piece of yourself that you can't let be.
memories of the last fight to free yourself
take you to the depths at the bottom of the well
and now you know that you can chose to lose the part in your heart
where your insides bruise.
you can live if you're willing to.
put a stop to just what's killing you.(repeat pre-chorus 4x)(chorus)alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screams violently, silently.
alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screams politically.
this part of me won't go away,(alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screams
desperately silently.)
a part of me won't go away.(alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screams
desperately silently.)everywhere i look around i see how everything ought to be.
every time i see myself there's always something wrong with me.
everywhere i look around i see how everything ought to be.
and every time i see myself there's always something wrong with me
二 from the inside
i don't know who to trust your surprise
everyone feels so far away from me
hy thoughts sift through dust and the lies
trying not to break but i'm so tired of this deceit
every time i try to make myself get back up on my feet
all i ever think about is this
all the tiring time between
and how trying to put my trust
in you just takes so much out of me
take everything from the inside and throw it all away
cuz i swear for the last time i won't trust myself with you
tension is building inside steadily
everyone feels so far away from me
hy thoughts forcing their way out of me
trying not to break but i'm so tired of this deceit
every time i try to make myself get back up on my feet
all i ever think about is this
all the tiring time between
and how trying to put my trust
in you just takes so much out of me
take everything from the inside and throw it all away
cuz i swear for the last time i won't trust myself with you
i won't waste myself on you
waste myself on you
i'll take everything from the inside and throw it all away
cuz i swear for the last time i won't trust myself with you
everything from the inside and just throw it all away
cuz i swear for the last time i won't trust myself with you
三 somewhere i belong
when this began
i had nothing to say
and id get lost in the nothingness inside of me
i was confused
and i let it all out to find that im
not the only person with these things in mind
inside of me
but all the vacancy the words revealed
is the only real thing that ive got left to feel
nothing to lose
just stuck hollow and alone
and the fault is my own
and the fault is my own
i want to heal
i want to feel
what i thought was never real
i want to let go of the pain ive held so long
erase all the pain til its gone
i want to heal
i want to feel
like im close to something real
i want to find something ive wanted all along
somewhere i belong
and ive got nothing to say
i cant believe i didnt fall right down on my face
i was confused
looking everywhere only to find that its
not the way i had imagined it all in my mind
so what am i
what do i he but negativity
cause i cant justify the
way everyone is looking at me
nothing to lose
nothing to gain hollow and alone
and the fault is my own
the fault is my own
i will never know
myself until i do this on my own
and i will never feel
anything else until my wounds are healed
i will never be
anything til i break away from me
and i will break away
ill find myself today
i want to heal
i want to feel like im
somewhere i belong
林肯公园的Believe me是哪张专辑里的?
这首歌是林肯公园的主唱在2005-11-25发行的首张专辑,所以 确切的说 不是林肯公园的专辑,而是其主唱Fort Minor发行的专辑《The Rising Tied》。
身为联合公园(Linkin Park)首脑及主唱之一的麦克(MC Mike Shinoda),将化身为黑暗堡垒(Fort Minor简称为FM),即将在本月22日,推出全新首张革命大碟『The Rising Tied』。随着专辑的即将发行,首支单曲「Believe Me」已在各电台强力放送。
当黑暗堡垒(Fort Minor简称为FM)专辑发行的消息一曝光时,在联合公园的歌迷群里,就开始热烈地讨论,联合公园是不是要解散了。于是所有LP的信徒们,都在各大联合公园的家族网站、部落格、及留言板上,热烈地讨论着。而这波雪球般越滚越大的传言,也传到了联合公园团员的耳里,听到这个传言的团员们,很感动的表示谢谢这些歌迷朋友对他们的支持及喜爱。随即共同公开一份声明稿表示,联合公园不会解散,目前也在准备全新专辑,预计在明年带着全新的作品和大家见面。除此之外,LP团员们非常骄傲在麦克的带领下,能够让黑暗保垒(Fort Minor简称为FM)这个同属于联合公园家族一分子的新血可以诞生,所有LP的成员将会力挺FM到底,一起见证黑暗保垒再次为乐坛带来一场新的音乐革命。
02.Remember the Name
03.Right Now
05.Feel Like Home
06.Where'd You Go
07.In Stereo
08.Back Home
10.Believe Me
11.Get Me Gone
12.High Road
14.Red to Black
16.Slip Out the Back
numb(这首我最喜欢了,很能反映一个人的心情) breaking the habit(节奏好听) from the inside(狂野) in the end(rap 说得很不错) valentine‘s day(我觉得很伤感) lee out all the rest new divide no more sorrow pushing me away somewhere i belong what i’ve done where‘d you go
3.Lee Out All The Rest linkin新专辑mtm中为数不多的极品,其实前奏没什么特别,倒是和in the end 一样,他第一句唱出声就给你苏醒在黎明的感觉,那时阳光未完全醒来,天空也未完全醒来,一切却完全沉浸在清澈冰冷的空气中,稀薄的阳光,冰蓝色透着青紫的天空上泛着美丽清冷光线的星星。他的吟唱,像让你在那时完全苏醒。
4.The Little Things Give You Away推荐它上来完全是因为它的高潮(或者结尾?)部分不错“Little things give you away...”cc的和声跟着节奏旋律感觉非常好,深远辽阔。他们没有那首歌能比的上这一首所达到的空旷感强烈而美丽了。
5.Valentine's Day该怎么说呢?其实和第4首一样,刚刚开始没什么特别的感觉,从“But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing ”开始就很悦耳了,特别是高潮,值得听听。
6.my december绝对赞啊~From the top to the bottom都很赞啊~自己去体会吧···不过得提醒你,这首歌好像一听腻就会觉得很难听,而且是万劫不复的境地,就是一旦有朝一日听腻不管搁置多久以后再听依旧如此。我和我的好几个同学才听一个月后现在已经···陷入万劫不复了,可能只是我们而已,linkin也只有这一首这样而已。我把第一感觉给你。其实真的是很赞啊。
7.Faint mv拍的很赞,歌也high的很赞。特别是旋律和节奏。而且mike的rap在这里相对linkin以往的歌开始高速起来。依旧是给人井井有条的充实感,舒服。
8.Forgotten high到极点!应该是他们最高速的rap!注意他们!是cc和mike一起rap,事实证明···cc的rap其实很有水准很高调的,而且好像比mike还强劲,更让人兴奋···我万能的cc啊~~~~~~
9.From The Inside,mv!mv!没见过这么帅的cc了!mike的衣服在这里穿的好帅啊···虽然他穿衣一向很有品!!!!!!歌嘛,当然不错。那几句“you”吼的应该会让你很爽吧。
10.papercut还是mv!没见过这么帅的mike和 Rob 了!歌的鼓点打的出彩。
11.Points Of Authority刮碟的那叫个精湛近完美啊~
12.runaway怎么说?刚刚听还真觉得不怎么样吧,很像一些恶俗的摇滚乐,推上来是因为“I gonna run away and never say goodbye Gonna run away, gonna run away”很酣畅淋漓。
13.One Step Closer 怎么形容?反正是它的mv先吸引我,cc和mike在前奏下蹲起身的动作很整齐很帅哦(最喜欢他们跳跃,背很腿挺得很直,很踩节奏,活力四射的样子)歌在此不多说,自己好好领悟,因为我找不到适合的形容词——只剩“好听”二字。
14.With you超赞!也没有形容词!ps,live版本和原版风格不同连歌词也稍有不同哦~都好听都听听,live般的dj简直到登峰造极了!
15.what I've done 听腻了就不行了,好像初听也不行,mtm还没推出时网上有what I've done30秒试听版大家都说不行太一般了,但是完整出来,特别是跟着mv一切全球首播时听了几遍那是众人好评啊,我是狂爱啊。
另外mike的fort支乐队的很多歌也不错,人家主唱也是linkin的主唱所以一并推出咯Believe Me,Petrified,Where'd You Go。